

  • 急症护理 - evaluation and treatment for illnesses such as: respiratory infections, 皮肤感染, 尿路感染, 感冒和流感就像疾病一样. 意想不到的伤害.
  • 健康访问 ——体检, 年度妇科检查, 预防性筛查,如胆固醇, 糖尿病, 高血压, 抑郁症, 还有镰状细胞检测.
  • Management of chronic medical conditions and medication refills for those conditions such as asthma, allergies, 高血压, 糖尿病, mild 抑郁症, and more.
  • 妇科护理 - pelvic exams, pap smears, birth control consultations, breast and menstrual issues. 插入和取出Nexplanon.

We offer in-办公室 lab testing and have experienced laboratory technicians to draw blood for in-办公室 and outsourced lab testing.

In 办公室 tests may include but not limited to: rapid strep, 流感, 莫诺, covid测试, 验尿, 怀孕测试, 还有血糖.

是的,请预约和/或访问我们的 妇女的健康 page for additional information about the services provided.


指令: Check in for your appointment 10 minutes before your scheduled appointment time and before entering 学生健康服务.

  • 使用手机或笔记本电脑办理登机手续. 您的设备位置必须在登记时打开. Note: Appointment Self-检查-in is only enabled within a certain parameter of the clinic's location

  • 登录您的君主健康门户.

  • Go to the 首页 page and scroll down to see your appointment information.

  • If you see a button called "形式", select and complete the form(s) presented. 注意:并非所有约会原因都需要这样做.

  • 然后在出现时选择“Check-in”按钮.

  • Once you are 检查ed in come into the 办公室 and let the front 办公室 staff know you are 在这里 for your appointment, 你已经登记入住了.

要安排预约,请登录到 君主健康门户网站 然后单击约会选项卡并选择一个位置. You may also call 学生健康服务 at (757) 683-3132 to schedule an appointment. Use your 君主健康门户网站 to schedule 新型冠状病毒肺炎 testing or a vaccine by clicking the Appointments 选项卡.

  • 营养 & 健康饮食
  • 健身 & 健康
  • 酒精 & 预防药物滥用
  • 压力管理
  • 戒烟

Please visit 健康 Promotion for additional information regarding these services.


To reach the on-call clinician after hours or on the weekend, please call ODU Public 安全 at 757-683-4000 and ask to speak to the on-call clinician. 公共安全部会呼叫值班医生, who will return the call to the student and advise them accordingly.

点击 在这里 for a list of local hospitals, doctor 办公室s, and pharmacies in the area.


要查找免疫表格,请登录 君主健康门户网站, 然后点击 形式 选项卡填写并提交.

要查找您的免疫记录,请登录 君主健康门户网站, 然后点击 免疫接种 选项卡.

请到学生健康服务处查询 免疫接种要求 免疫要求页面. 找到免疫文件表格在 君主健康门户网站 下 形式 TAB键打印出来.

To find immunization records contact a previous university, 当地卫生部门, 初级保健提供者, high school try Google "w在这里 can I get immunization records for (name of high school, 城市, 状态).



If the form is not complete by that time a hold will be placed on your account. This hold will prevent the student from registering for their second semester of class. 不提交部分表格.

  • 破伤风白喉百日咳混合疫苗
  • 破伤风和白喉
  • 麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹(MMR)
  • 脑膜炎
  • 乙型肝炎



从4月4日开始,测试将在 学生健康服务 在韦伯大学中心. 安排预约,通过测试 君主健康门户网站. 在预约的时候, report to the side door entrance to 学生健康服务 across from the Old Chemistry Building (follow the signs). 找一张该地点的地图.

请阅读 这篇文章 如果你的检测呈阳性该怎么办, 直接暴露在, 和/或担心你有症状.

要查找新型冠状病毒肺炎疫苗或增强剂,请访问 Virginia Deparment of 健康 新型冠状病毒肺炎 Vaccination Response site.

费用 & 付款

The 学生健康服务 fee provides students with quick and easy access to health care services. 这笔费用包括到诊所看病的费用. Other fees may be incurred during your 办公室 visit for vaccines, 实验室检测, 以及其他辅助费用. The Student 健康 Fee does not replace a health insurance plan.

The University negotiates for a health insurance plan by a health insurance company, that is required of all 国际学生 and eligible 研究生. This insurance plan may cover some of the cost of ancillary fees.

The semester health fee covers your visit with a healthcare provider. Ancillary fees, such as 实验室检测, orthopedic supplies, vaccines etc.,需额外收费.

费用由学生账户支付. If charges for 卫生服务 are billed to the student's account, they can be paid online (by credit card plus CC fee) or at the Rollins Hall cashier's 办公室 (cash, 检查, 汇票).


Cash payments must be made in person in the Cashiers' Office. 服务 hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. We encourage students not to bring large sums of cash onto the campus. 大额现金支付是不推荐的. 大学提供其他方便的付款方式.


Please make 检查s or money orders payable to "最靠谱的网赌软件" and include the student's identification number on the 检查. Students paying by 检查 or money order are encouraged to pay by mail. Returned 检查s and charges are subject to a returned 检查 fee. Please allow 7 business days for mail payments to be posted.

Please mail 检查 or money order payments to the following address:

财务办公室,最靠谱的网赌软件,阿尔弗雷德B. 罗林斯,小. 霍尔,诺福克,弗吉尼亚州23529-0046

*请勿将地址更改发送到此地址. Address changes should be directed to the Office of the Registrar.


For out-of-country 检查s, please make 检查s payable in US dollars only.


不,我们不提出保险索赔. The student is issued a "walk out statement" after each appointment, which can be used to file a claim with your insurance company.

唯一可用的保险计划是 国际学生 哪些人需要有健康保险 研究生.

No. Each full-time student pays the semester health fee and is entitled to all services we offer. 实验室,注射,免疫,和其他费用适用. You may take the "walk-out statement" we give you after your appointment and file the claim with your insurance provider.