


该计划已在注册财务规划师标准委员会注册. The CFP® Board is a national regulatory organization whose mission is to benefit the public by fostering the highest professional standards in personal financial planning.

The 财务策划执行证书 prepares individuals for success in the demanding but highly rewarding financial planning industry. 该计划的课程涵盖了全面发展所需的专业知识领域, 为不同的个人客户提供有效的财务计划. Those who successfully complete the program are awarded a certificate of completion by 最靠谱的网赌软件.

这个教育项目也在 注册财务规划师标准委员会,公司. The CFP® Board is a national regulatory organization whose mission is to benefit the public by fostering the highest professional standards in personal financial planning. The CFP® designation is the most recognized and respected discriminator for financial planning professionals. This is a career-enhancing credential that distinguishes those professionals who have received hands-on training in a university-sponsored program.

财务规划执行证书课程包括六门课程. 课程是连续的,整个项目可以在1年多的时间内完成. 本课程采用课堂授课和现场直播相结合的方式, 在线讨论,以吸引工作专业人士, 高管和本科生.



The 财务策划执行证书 prepares individuals for success in the demanding but highly rewarding financial planning industry. 我们给你带路!



更多的 and more consumers understand the importance of working with a financial planner they can trust. 作为他们认证的一部分, CFP® professionals demonstrate their expertise and commit to high standards to earn the respect of their clients. This makes CFP® certification a valued credential to help you stand out and complement your other designations.

CFP® certification demonstrates that you have a strong commitment to personal financial planning and that you are an expert in your field. Your clients want to work with a planner who can give them excellent advice that fits their unique situation. 因为你投资教育, 在获得CFP®认证的同时,严格的测试和实际经验, 你会有信心和技巧给你的客户提供他们需要的建议.

一些CFP®专业人士从其他职业和领域开始. 许多人来自金融服务行业的相关领域. Those who hold other professional designations and licenses decide to add the CFP® mark to their resume to complement their existing credentials, demonstrate their commitment to personal financial planning and help them to stand out from the competition.

更多的 and more consumers understand the importance of working with a financial planner they can trust. 作为他们认证的一部分, CFP® professionals demonstrate their expertise and commit to high standards to earn the respect of their clients. This makes CFP® certification a valued credential to help you stand out and complement your other designations.

CFP® certification demonstrates that you have a strong commitment to personal financial planning and that you are an expert in your field. Your clients want to work with a planner who can give them excellent advice that fits their unique situation. 因为你投资教育, 在获得CFP®认证的同时,严格的测试和实际经验, 你会有信心和技巧给你的客户提供他们需要的建议.

一些CFP®专业人士从其他职业和领域开始. 许多人来自金融服务行业的相关领域. Those who hold other professional designations and licenses decide to add the CFP® mark to their resume to complement their existing credentials, demonstrate their commitment to personal financial planning and help them to stand out from the competition.



Lazetta Rainey Braxton, MBA, CFP®,创始人 & 首席执行官, Financial Fountains discusses why she became a CFP® professional and the benefits of CFP® certification -- the highest standard of personal financial planning.


申请人包括注册会计师, CPU的, 健身房的, CFSA的, 律师, 股票经纪人, 信任的官员, 房地产经纪人以及金融服务行业的其他代表. Candidates for this course are NOT required to hold a baccalaureate degree nor is one needed to take the CFP® Certification Examination.

It is required that anyone planning to sit for the CFP® Certification Examination complete a registered program, 要求复核成绩单, 或者凭借学术或专业证书有资格对考试提出质疑. 有关这些类别的更多信息,请访问 CFP®董事会网站

马上申请 开始申请流程. 一旦在线申请被提交, 将发送一封接受邮件,其中包含如何注册课程的说明. You cannot register until you have completed the online application and have been accepted into the program. 这是一个短暂但必要的过程.

虽然学士学位不需要参加我们的项目或参加CFP考试, you are required to complete a bachelor's degree within five years after passing the CFP exam to become CFP certified.

The 财务策划执行证书 program is currently offered in a 在线直播 format and is registered with the CFP board.

在线直播课程提供了从任何地方上课的额外灵活性. Our virtual classroom provides you with the opportunity to interact in real-time with our expert instructors with the added benefit of watching recordings of your class sessions at your convenience until the course ends.

Arrangements can be made for you to pick your books up at the 继续教育学院 or for students that are out of the area, 课程材料将直接送到您的家中. We recommend registering at least seven (7) business days in advance of the class start date to ensure timely delivery of your student package.

Students will be provided instructions for accessing the course during the scheduled time and will be able to interact with the instructor. 高速互联网连接,扬声器,麦克风和相机将是必要的全面访问.  了解有关技术需求的更多信息.



除了课程,CFP委员会还有认证要求. 了解更多CFP认证要求.

前两次会议主要介绍财务规划. 教学重点是财务规划过程,包括从客户那里收集数据, 分析数据以确定需求, 以清晰简洁的方式编写和提出建议.

第二部分:风险管理-个人保险 & 员工福利
本课程的其余部分侧重于包括生命在内的风险管理, 健康, 残疾, 财产, 伤亡, 和责任. 因为大多数风险可以通过保险转移, 保险计划和政策的性质, 以及各种计划提供的具体覆盖范围, 保险公司的财务评级和业务是否也包括在内.

在此介绍财政税收的概念, 重点将放在个人纳税申报表上, 房地产交易, 礼物和遗产, 以及企业实体的选择. 本文将讨论被动损耗规则, 以及同类交流, 不随意转换, 以及个人房屋销售的税收后果. 此外,还将介绍搬家扣除额的基本规则, 爱好损失, 折旧(MMACRS), 以及会计方法的选择. 税务规划和其他潜在的客户提示将贯穿整个课程.

提供财务投资分析的概览, emphasis is placed on understanding the valuation process for alternative investment vehicles and the economic factors which affect their risk. 主题包括当前和未来价值分析的机制, 房地产估价, 股票, 债券, 房地产, 选项, 和期货. 所有这些都是在开发投资组合策略的背景下讨论的, which are consistent with the objectives of individual clients and their willingness and ability to undertake risk.

The primary objective of estate planning is to assist people in planning for the management of their assets and the passing of those assets to their intended beneficiaries in the most efficient and least costly manner. 本课程提供遗产规划的基础, 从财产共有的基本概念到复杂的遗嘱和信托规划, 包括遗嘱认证回避, 联邦遗产和赠与税, 婚姻及慈善扣除计划, 医疗指示, 计划第二次婚姻. Students will be better equipped to counsel clients and understand the necessary estate planning documents.

本课程将涵盖包括利润分享在内的合格退休计划的具体规定, 定义的好处, 401 k计划, ira, 和SEPs. 其他员工福利主题包括社会保障, 不合格递延补偿, 以及雇员福利和退休计划对雇主和雇员的所得税影响.



最后一门课程的重点是整合前几门课程提供的信息, and beginning to apply what has been learned to practical situations through the use of case studies and other methods. 本课程以每位学生为客户完成一份全面的财务计划而告终, 成功完成课程所需的实习.

威廉J. 塔吉克族,CFP 现任Dungan的总裁兼首席执行官 & Associates有限责任公司. 他曾担任USI Insurance的人寿和员工福利计划副总裁. 他拥有CFS, CEBS, CLU和ChFC的专业称号. 最靠谱的网赌软件的毕业生, Dungan持有the American College金融服务硕士学位.

沃尔特·麦克丹尼尔,注册会计师, 目前是否税务及雇员福利咨询业务的拥有人及独资经营者. 在创立自己的公司之前, 他在保诚优先金融服务公司工作了18年, 林肯金融顾问公司工作了两年, 他曾担任安盛顾问公司的区域副总裁, 四年的有限责任公司. 他拥有多个专业职位,包括CLU、ChFC和EA. 麦克丹尼尔只得到了B.S. 弗吉尼亚理工大学会计专业毕业. 自2002年以来,他一直担任最靠谱的网赌软件的兼职教员.

塞缪尔·E. 约翰逊(山姆), 注册会计师, 现为会计学院讲师, 他在哪里教本科生和研究生会计和税务课程. 在加入ODU之前,他是Cherry Bekaert LLP里士满办事处的合伙人. 弗吉尼亚理工大学的毕业生, 约翰逊持有弗吉尼亚联邦大学税务硕士学位.

布鲁斯李. 鲁宾博士 自1981年以来一直是最靠谱的网赌软件财务部的一员. 他曾担任财务部主席, 工商与公共管理学院临时院长, and is current director of the Economics Club of Hampton Roads and the director of the Insurance and Financial 服务s Center. 鲁宾帮助设计了最初的财务规划项目, 自1983年该项目开始以来,他一直在为该项目授课. 鲁宾在纽约大学获得学士学位, 以及凯斯西储大学的硕士和博士学位. He was previously on the faculty of the Owen 研究生院 of Management at Vanderbilt University.


我们的课程需要申请才能被录取. 这是一个短暂但必要的过程. 请参阅上面“课程信息”中的要求. 


  • 日期:待定
  • 天(s):待定
  • 星期六:TBD
  • 地点:君主大厅2111号 & 在线直播
  • 继续教育单位.2
  • 指导老师:William 塔吉克族,CFP CEBS, CLU, ChFC, MS
  • 学费:$ 999

  • 日期:待定
  • 天(s):待定
  • 星期六:TBD
  • 地点:君主大厅2111号 & 在线直播
  • 继续教育单位.15
  • 指导老师:沃尔特·麦克丹尼尔,CLU, 注册会计师, ChFC, EA
  • 学费:$ 999

  • 日期:待定
  • 天(s):待定
  • 星期六:TBD
  • 地点:君主大厅2111号 & 在线直播
  • 继续教育单位.2
  • 导师:布鲁斯·鲁宾,博士.D.
  • 学费:$ 999.00

  • 日期:待定
  • 天(s):待定
  • 星期六:TBD
  • 地点:君主大厅2111号 & 在线直播
  • 继续教育单位.5
  • 指导老师:塞缪尔·约翰逊,注册会计师
  • 学费:$ 999

  • 日期:1/10/24 - 3/23/24
  • 日:星期三,晚上六点半至九点半.m.
  • 星期六:3月23日,上午9:00.m. - 12:30 p.m. (考试)
  • 地点:在线直播,通过Zoom
  • 继续教育单位.85
  • 指导老师:丹尼斯·哈维
  • 学费:$ 999

  • 日期:4/02/24 - 7/24/24(无班:6/19/24 & 7/03/24)
  • 日:星期三,晚上6:30 - 9:30.m.
  • 地点:在线直播,通过Zoom
  • 继续教育单位:5.25
  • 教练:TBD
  • 学费:$ 1099


ODU's helpful staff can assist you in determining if you might qualify for any number of various funding 选项 that could assist you with non-credit continuing educational opportunities to improve your marketability and advance your career.


要想退出一门课程,你必须以书面形式向 davans@shuanglijiaoshoujia.com 课程开始日期前七(7)天. 未参加课程不构成退学. 课程注册费, 根据最靠谱的网赌软件的政策,不到50美元的手续费将通过支票退还. 一旦开始上课,就不能退款.

在开课前六(6)天或更短时间内逾期退课, 学生是否需要支付50美元的手续费, 以及书籍和/或其他课程材料的费用.

CFP®, CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ and are certification marks owned by Certified Financial Board of Standards, 公司. These marks are awarded to individuals who successfully complete the CFP Board's initial and ongoing certification requirements.